How to move to the middle of the remaining sentence?


On a Mac, when you are going through texts and sentence, (for example in an editor like Atom), I know that the hotkey combo: command + right direct key will get me to the end of a sentence.

looks like this ('|' indicate where you are at):

123|456789 >>> 123456789|

Is there a way to get to the middle of the remaining sentence?

like this:

123|456789 >>> 123456|789

Someitmes I have a long sentence in iTerm or Atom or in chrome address bar and I want to go to middle to edit text and it will be super helpful if I can binary-ly jump in sentence.

Even more can we apply the same concept vertically? for example in a webpage, jump to the middle; in a file, jump to the middle line.

I want to ask if this command is built-in in Mac. If not, how can I get it.

Thank in advanced!

Henry Yang

Posted 2018-01-12T03:30:52.797

Reputation: 145

Use your mouse or learn to navigate quicker by e.g. using Ctrl+Arrow to jump whole words. Personally I don't know of any shortcut that would allow you jump tot he center. – Seth – 2018-01-12T07:52:40.460



In your example, no, there is no regular shortcut can do that.

Because 123456789 is technically just a word (words are separated by spaces between them), and to jump to each word, you can use Option+ or Option+.

So Lorem| ipsum dolor sit amet with one Option+ will get you to Lorem ipsum| dolor sit amet

You can easily find some Navigation shortcuts to boost your work performance.

But if you want to jump to the middle of the sentence in Atom, there is vim-mode-plus which transform your Atom into Vim editor, and, then, you can use all vim shortcuts to move around your text.

Eg: 4+L to go right 4 characters.

1|23456789 --> 12345|6789

The-Vinh VO

Posted 2018-01-12T03:30:52.797

Reputation: 192