Windows 10 - Remote desktop on "ghost" screen


I have the following problematic:

At work, I have a laptop with 3 monitors. Sometimes, I take my laptop at home to work.

At home, I have a private computer with 3 screens, but I need to work on my work's laptop. I can work on the single little screen of the laptop, or unplug all screens from my private computer and connect them to my work laptop, but both are uncomfortable.

I would like to use my private computer to connect in remote desktop to my work laptop and use my 3 screens. The programs that I tried to connect in remote desktop supports multiple screens, but these screens have to be physically connected to the remote computer.

My question is: how can I add 2 or more "ghost" monitors to my work laptop to be able to use TeamViewer or Windows Remote Desktop on 3 monitors or do you know a remote control program that can do that?

Damien R

Posted 2017-12-27T10:27:04.170

Reputation: 1

Team Viewer can't do this, but Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection can. There's an option in the connection settings, something like Use all of my monitors. Enable that before connecting to the remote computer. – I say Reinstate Monica – 2017-12-27T14:02:12.660



As said by Twisty Impersonator:

Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection can. There's an option in the connection settings, something like Use all of my monitors.

This option does exactly what I want to do. Thanks

Damien R

Posted 2017-12-27T10:27:04.170

Reputation: 1