ssh server alternative for remote terminal e.g like putty work


As per my knowledge, putty is the best solution for the remote terminal but we need run the ssh server on Linux.

In my case, I want to take Linux remote terminal on Windows machine but do not want to install the ssh server on Linux.

I am searching on google but not find any method for remote terminal without ssh server.

So my Question is there any way to take Linux terminal on windows without ssh server.

GC coding

Posted 2017-12-26T09:30:48.670

Reputation: 1

Are you trying to connect to a remote host? If so, is this remote machine using Linux or Windows? – rovr138 – 2017-12-26T09:41:37.163

@rovr138 yes I am trying to connect to a remote host.It is Linux but for this, i need to run ssh server.on Linux side tiny memory and processor so it starts I do not want start ssh server on Linux. – GC coding – 2017-12-26T09:47:11.597

Hints: "bind shell", "reverse shell", "telnet". Make sure you understand security issues. – Kamil Maciorowski – 2017-12-26T09:57:37.160

Multi-posted at .

– JdeBP – 2017-12-26T16:22:20.987



Your most lightweight option will be binding your shell to a port using something like Netcat. Something to remember is that OpenSSH does more. It helps authenticate and secure the connection. Netcat does none of this.

Anyway, on your remote Linux machine run,

netcat -lp 9999 -e /bin/sh

and on your Windows machine run something like,

netcat 9999

Where is the domain or IP of the Linux machine. This basically exposes /bin/sh on port 9999. Your second command connects to it.

Disconnecting from the Windows machine should close the previous connection. If you want it stay alive, run something like,

while TRUE; do netcat -lp 9999 -e /bin/sh; done

Which will keep restart this after it closes.


  • This has NO authentication. ANYONE can connect to this.
  • ALL data is sent as cleartext including any password you send.

Be careful.


Posted 2017-12-26T09:30:48.670

Reputation: 113