Is it possible to do a wget dry-run?



I know you can download webpages recursively using wget, but is it possible to do a dry-run? So that you could sort of do a test-run to see how much would be downloaded if you actually did it? Thinking about pages that have a lot of links to media files like for example images, audio or movie files.


Posted 2010-04-05T19:29:52.880

Reputation: 27 731



You can use the --spider switch.


Posted 2010-04-05T19:29:52.880

Reputation: 20 970

1Don't forget the -nd (don't create directories) flag if you use it with the -r (recursive) flag. – Skippy le Grand Gourou – 2014-01-10T19:29:33.597


No, but you can use -R to reject media files until you're ready to actually download them.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams

Posted 2010-04-05T19:29:52.880

Reputation: 100 516

Would you get any indication on how much you rejected? – Svish – 2010-04-05T20:45:12.780