CPU Usage Suddenly Decreased on Two Servers


We are running 6 2008 SQL Servers on Windows Server 2008 R2, 4 of which were sitting around 50%+ CPU usage during peak usage. On Wednesday, the CPU on 2 of these 4 servers dropped by 20% and performance greatly increased on our production service.

I can't see any immediate reason for this decrease in CPU usage, but the Event Viewer shows a "Kernel-General" event at the exact time the CPU usage decreased on both servers. The message was: "The system time has changed to ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎29T14:56:49.967000000Z from ‎2017‎-‎11‎-‎29T14:56:36.200429700Z."

Could this have had any impact on CPU usage, or is this entirely coincidental? If so, why would this have any impact?


Posted 2017-12-01T09:14:17.210

Reputation: 1

Probably coincidental, only thing I can think of possibly it cancelled whatever actions which were being performed at the time. Did the % go back up to 50% or stay at 20%? – Crazyd – 2017-12-05T08:07:51.240

@Crazyd It's stayed at around 20-35% consistently (previously 40%+ consistently for weeks) since last Wednesday – Powellellogram – 2017-12-05T14:20:38.960

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