mount network share over wmic


hostnames: srv1, srv2, srv3

When opening a powershell on srv2, I can mount a remote network drive on srv3 successfully with this command:

PS > hostname
PS > net use Z: \\srv3\c /user:Admin *
Type the password for \\srv3\c:
The command completed successfully.

However, when wmic'd in from srv1 into srv2 and trying to execute the same command, I get an error:

PS > hostname
PS > enter-PSSession -ComputerName srv2 -Credential $cred
PS > hostname
PS > net use Z: \\srv3\c /user:Admin *
net : System error 86 has occurred.
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (System error 86 has occurred.:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

The specified network password is not correct.

It doesn't prompt me for a password and I'd like to avoid typing the password out in plaintext.


Posted 2017-11-29T19:42:32.790

Reputation: 21

"second hop" problem? -Authentication CredSSP. Does this help/explain:

– HelpingHand – 2017-11-30T07:33:23.423

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