Why is the first frame timestamp 0.066667 and not 0?


I have a stream of TGA files created on disk and I programmaticaly build a h264 video using the x264vfw codec. Options CRT 23, medium preset, Fast Decode, keyint 30 (video is 60 fps), no cut scenes, yuv 4 2 0...

When i examine the video I notice the first (key)frame timestamp isn't 0, it's 0.066667.

Why is the first frame timestamp 0.066667 and not 0 ?

ffprobe command i use to extract the frame timestamps coupled with a bit of powershell magic to isolate the keyframes.

.\ffprobe.exe -select_streams v  -show_entries frame=key_frame,pkt_dts_time,pict_type -of csv .\new1.avi | ? { $_.split(",")[-1] -eq 'I' }

Output :



Posted 2017-11-27T19:50:53.620

Reputation: 33

the human eye can see at about 1/16th of a second. its notable that your decimal value is equal to 1/15, or about the amount of time you would wait for the second frame. – Frank Thomas – 2017-11-27T19:59:05.167

You'll have to show your code. How many B-frames? – Gyan – 2017-11-27T20:07:07.177

i use 2 b frames – Proviste – 2017-11-27T21:34:54.503

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