Windows server 2016 new calculator?


I'm testing windows server 2016 and I noticed that there is still the old windows 7 calculator. Is there a way to get the new calculator that is in Windows 10? Is this a Desktop experience issue or is it just not in the build? I goggled but I can't find anything on this topic.


Build 1607

Only RDS server role installed


Posted 2017-11-17T09:03:37.453

Reputation: 11

What roles do you have installed? You don’t indicate what build you are using (so it’s impossible to answer your question if its included) – Ramhound – 2017-11-17T11:32:44.270

LOL instead I wanted the opposite, the old calculator had more features than the new one, so I wanted to have it on Win 10 – Magnetic_dud – 2018-11-09T10:16:16.533



  1. On the Windows Server rename: calc.exe to calc_old.exe in the folder C:\Windows\System32\
  2. Obtain a Windows 10 computer with the correct Calculator application (new Metro design) and copy the file C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe from it to your other computer into your Window Server's folder C:\Windows\System32\

Note: If you have difficulty finding another Windows 10 computer with the metro calc.exe you could try searching online. I have not tested it completely but it opens and works when opened in other non-System32 folders on my own Windows 10 Pro.


Posted 2017-11-17T09:03:37.453

Reputation: 1 319

Thank you very much, but it does not work. I think it may be something in the registry. – Ruben.w – 2017-11-17T10:53:27.157

@Ruben.w Perhaps troubleshooting compatibility? Try running it directly without shortcuts (if you haven't already). – El8dN8 – 2017-11-17T11:04:31.040

1Actually, I believe this methodology is naive and likely incorrect. I am going to improve my answer, momentarily. – El8dN8 – 2017-11-17T11:12:02.140