OSX: is there a way to disable the windows throttle on desktop change?


When I switch from virtual desktop A to virtual desktop B, my windows in A get throttled.

Is there a power saving feature to disable that throttling?

For example in chrome(ium), requestAnimationFrame is disabled until I switch back to the desktop A. I've looked in chrome(ium) flags and found only disable-background-throttle but does not affect RAF.

On Windows, virtual desktops do not throttle windows in other desktops, so I thought it is an OS feature rather than a program one.


Posted 2017-11-15T12:06:52.993

Reputation: 111

Windows andOS X are two very different operating systems you shouldn’t try and compare them – Ramhound – 2017-11-15T12:19:34.533

ikr but the desktop environment is a common feature. What I said was just an observation – Sw0ut – 2017-11-15T13:15:23.983

It wasn't even a feature in Windows until Windows 10 it's not that common, and how they work between OS X, Solaris, Linux, and Windows are all different. – Ramhound – 2017-11-15T13:32:54.470

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