How can I use this string in an e-mail filter?


Apologies for the amount of redaction. Basically the e-mail is " <>"

I'd like to filter anything which is '' but I can't work out which field it is in the outlook e-mail filter rules. Any ideas?


Here is a screenshot of the rules wizard - the answer is not really obvious

enter image description here


Posted 2017-11-10T10:52:35.823

Reputation: 1 190

What you exactly want to achieve? What you've tried? How exactly it doesn't work? ... – Máté Juhász – 2017-11-10T10:57:12.557

I've tried to work out which field it is but it's unclear - I will add a screenshot – NibblyPig – 2017-11-10T10:57:52.740



Try this one:

enter image description here

This should work for your situation.

Steve Fan

Posted 2017-11-10T10:52:35.823

Reputation: 1 089

You cracked it, worked a treat. Many thanks. – NibblyPig – 2017-11-14T15:34:58.603


You need to use

With specific words in the sender's address

enter image description here

Máté Juhász

Posted 2017-11-10T10:52:35.823

Reputation: 16 807

Sadly, this did not work. The filter is not catching the messages. It's more like the sender's name or something, rather than their address. I'm not sure about what part of the e-mail format is the sender name – NibblyPig – 2017-11-10T11:51:20.743