Register searchUrl for Edge


At work a colleague created a registry file which creates some usefull shortcuts for Internet Explorer. However these do not work in Edge and I was wondering if I could create something similar for Edge, but unfortunatly I was unable to find any online resources on this matter.

An example of one of the features is the g [query] shortcut which opens the google webpage for the given query:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchUrl\g]
" "="+"

Now I know that for google this is redundant if it's the default search engine, but if somebody explains how to create this for google, I can create all the other shortcuts myself.


Posted 2017-10-30T15:07:23.517

Reputation: 111

I am surprised there is not a lot of information on this. I use IE's SearchUrl feature all the time. I hope they enable it for Edge. – IMTheNachoMan – 2018-01-02T14:40:04.850

FYI: This question has more information:

– IMTheNachoMan – 2018-01-02T14:42:44.027

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