I have 3 languages on my system: english, russian and japanese. But I only want to be able to Alt+Shift between english and russian. Is there a way to do it in W10?
This question doesn't apply here, because it doesn't work on W10.
I have 3 languages on my system: english, russian and japanese. But I only want to be able to Alt+Shift between english and russian. Is there a way to do it in W10?
This question doesn't apply here, because it doesn't work on W10.
Follow this steps:
; This scripts changes the functionality of Shift + Alt from "switch keyboard layout" ; to "change to previous layout". ; this is usefull when you have more than 2 keyboard layouts and want to switch between ; only 2 of them. #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. LAlt & LShift::send, #^{space down}{space up}
If you are satisfied you can compile the script (right click -> compile) to create the .exe file. then move the .exe or .ahk file to the start-up folder (open RUN and type "shell:startup" without quotes).
Extra Notes:
I suggest probably slightly better approach with same autohotkey solution.
Instead of switching to previous layout (which might be the third), better to disable native Alt+Shift cycling hotkey and make way for own layout switching logic.
And use following script, maybe with desired adjustments:
#SingleInstance force
SendMode Input
; Cycled list of language ids
; refer to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/intl/language-identifiers
; and https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/intl/language-identifier-constants-and-strings
; for finding out correct values
; in this case 0x409 means standard US English, and 0x419 means standard Russian
AltShiftLangs := [0x0409, 0x0419]
; 0x411 means japanese IME
CtrlAltLang := 0x0411
; This returns currently active language id
GetKeyboardLayout() {
WinGet, WinID,, A
ThreadID:=DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "UInt", WinID, "UInt", 0)
return DllCall("GetKeyboardLayout", "UInt", ThreadID, "UInt") & 0xFFFF
; This sends request to change system language to lang argument
SetKeyboardLayout(lang) {
PostMessage, 0x50,, lang,, A
; This returns 0-based index of Value in Arr
IndexOf(Arr, Value) {
Loop % Arr.Length()
if Arr[A_Index] == Value {
return A_Index-1
return -1
; This sets language based on current system lanuage and next value by index in Arr
; If current language is not found, it sets system to first language from Arr
SetNextLanguage(Arr) {
lang := GetKeyboardLayout()
idx := IndexOf(Arr, lang)
if (idx < 0) {
nextIdx := mod(idx+1, Arr.Length())
next := Arr[nextIdx+1]
; Alt+Shift hotkey - cycle between AltShiftLangs
LAlt & LShift::
; Ctrl+Alt hotkey - switch directly to isolated CtrlAltLang
LCtrl & LAlt::
Can you explain *why* Exclude an input language from Alt+Shift / Ctrl+Shift switching cycle on Windows doesn’t seem to apply here? It looks like an exact duplicate.
– Scott – 2017-10-28T05:00:49.443@Scott It's for Windows 7, I can't find any way to replicate the answers on W10 from that question. – Liburia – 2017-10-28T05:03:34.967
1OK, [edit] your question to explain that. – Scott – 2017-10-28T05:10:42.683
Possible duplicate of Is there a way to use three keyboard languages, having two of them being switchable with a keystroke and the third one to be enabled by a hotkey?
– HYBRID BEING – 2018-07-31T11:11:02.767