Installing FortiClient on MacOS: Failed to connect to the update server


After downloading the FortiClient (v5.6) application for MacOS Sierra (10.12.6) and running the FortiClientUpdateInstaller.dmg, the installer ran, but ended in a timeout with the message:

Failed to connect to the update server

The application dmg file was obtained from:

How do I install it? Is there an offline/full-installer version?


Posted 2017-10-19T09:45:48.467

Reputation: 131



I found the way around this was to run the FortiClientUpdateInstaller in the Downloads folder, then copy the into the Applications folder.

Once it was copied there, I right-clicked and selected "Show Package Contents".

Inside, I navigated to /Contents/MacOS and double clicked the FortiClientUpdate file (108KB). As it ran and connected successfully to the server to download, a terminal window opened and showed the diagnostics.

After it was properly downloaded, I was able to install as per normal.

Inspired by:


Posted 2017-10-19T09:45:48.467

Reputation: 131


My suspicion was that the FortiClientUpdateInstaller app was not correctly honouring the proxy settings. I tried doing what Paul suggested and running with shell environment variables for the proxy set:

$ export http_proxy=http://local.proxy.domain:8000
$ export https_proxy=http://local.proxy.domain:8000

Then running the app in that shell but it still failed:

/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: unsupported compressor 8
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: Unknown compression scheme encountered for file '/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/Exceptions.plist'
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: unsupported compressor 8
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/ Error: Unknown compression scheme encountered for file '/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Library/AppExceptions.bundle/Exceptions.plist'
20181012 09:12:58.829 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:167 firware: FCT100-FW-6.0.1-28
20181012 09:12:59.483 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:184 uid: 2282498392
20181012 09:12:59.483 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:201 sn: FCT8002282498392
20181012 09:12:59.489 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:209 uid2: BEC3AA1352AF566C9E1AE503EE9FF933
20181012 09:12:59.489 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:219 hostname:
20181012 09:12:59.489 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:224 os: Mac OS X 10.13.6
20181012 09:12:59.490 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:230 language: en
20181012 09:12:59.491 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:128 Last update time: 1970-01-01 10:00:00, Last vulnerability scan time: 1970-01-01 10:00:00
20181012 09:12:59.491 [update:INFO] fcn_upgrade:338 Start to download fdni file...
20181012 09:12:59.491 [update:INFO] update_funcs:363 Try to connect to server
20181012 09:12:59.491 [update:DEBG] fr_comm:657 sock_connect_s: host:, port: 80

Next, I connected via my phone hotspot to bypass the proxy and the application ran and downloaded the app fine.

Conclusion: The application does not honour the proxy setting on the system. This is pretty poor from Fortinet IMHO...

Peter Westley

Posted 2017-10-19T09:45:48.467

Reputation: 1