Why can't I connect to my web server using IPv6 although the port is open?


I am running a Lighttpd web server on my Raspberry Pi. Since this question isn't Pi related I thought it would better fit in here. I am using IPv6 to connect to the web server on port 8080 and it is working fine. However as soon as I try to connect from the outside world the connection is refused.

I have set a port forwarding in my router settings. When I use tcpdump port 8080 and then go to Ipv6scanner.com I can see in the logs that there are packets being received and that the port is open according to Ipv6scanner.

Listening to port 8080: packets are received

However trying to access the IPv6 in the browser will always result in a refused connection.

What could be the reason and what would be the next steps for me to find out whether it is a problem with the server or the router? Am I right that the fact that the port is reachable tells me that the router is correctly forwarding the port and that it shouldn't be a firewall problem from the router?


Posted 2017-10-17T12:01:37.023

Reputation: 101

Using curl like so curl -g -6 http://[1234:4567:145f:2353:945c:1453:4701:1234]:8080/test.h‌​tml I can access the contents of my IPv6 server even when using a completely different Wifi. So it seems curl works but the browser doesn't... – phpheini – 2017-10-17T13:28:37.293



The answer is simple: the WIFI I used to test is a public one which doesn't seem to support IPv6. I also tested on my phone using LTE and it didn't work there either. But as I found out Vodafone doesn't support IPv6 yet in Germany so that was the reason.


Posted 2017-10-17T12:01:37.023

Reputation: 101