Domain based email aliasing


The email addresses that we have are defined

I was wondering if there is any way to have an email address that is namespace agnostic, meaning say I dont have a preset address Can the email sent to this address not bounce and instead land to

I basically want to create a mapping such as this:

<anything> ---->

Any ideas?


Posted 2017-10-11T23:05:04.627

Reputation: 103

Which SMTP/MTA server do you use? – AnFi – 2017-10-11T23:35:51.700

@AndrzejA.Filip Whatever is provided by my hosting provider. For me it is, stmp.<mydomainname>.com – user248884 – 2017-10-11T23:39:51.023

Yes, this can be done. It used to be postmaster or root (or similar) and any email addresses not caught by the accounts not set up would route to a single email. It depends on how you configure it and what software/provider you're using. – Dave – 2017-10-12T08:16:58.133



Without knowing more, it's hard to give specific instructions. But what you are looking for (if I understand your question correctly) is typically called a catchall email address.

This address is defined in your SMTP (mail) settings. Any address defined (e.g will be the default receiving email address for any address that doesn't already exist on the server (i.e that would normally "bounce" as undeliverable).

catchall email


Posted 2017-10-11T23:05:04.627

Reputation: 9 278