bash watch command with colors preserved



From man watch:

Non-printing characters are stripped from program output. Use "cat -v" as part of the command pipeline if you want to see them.

So how do I use cat -v if I want to see the colored output from:

watch ls -al --color

Paweł Gościcki

Posted 2010-03-29T19:00:04.377

Reputation: 1 949



The right command is

watch --color "ls -a1 --color"

It isn't documented in the man page or the --help screen. I has to use strings to find it.


Posted 2010-03-29T19:00:04.377

Reputation: 864

How do you update your watch version? – Adam Hunyadi – 2017-05-19T20:47:16.327

@PawełGościcki Nevermind, already found it on gitorious, although, couldn't get it to work with phpunit. – Ikke – 2012-01-19T13:11:32.893

1My watch is v0.3.0 and I'm on Ubuntu 10.0 – Paweł Gościcki – 2012-01-19T14:00:06.800

2I've also version 0.3.0 and for simple "ls --color" the watch command will work but for some reason more complex scenarios do not: watch --color "sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning | egrep 'Quality|ESSID' | egrep --color -i 'foobar|$'"will eat the colors :( – math – 2012-03-07T13:39:57.690

@math: Try swapping your single and double quotes. – Paused until further notice. – 2012-04-11T11:03:03.687

The watch from procps (the default on most Linux distros, I believe) has a --color option since V3.3.2. – sleske – 2013-09-04T22:43:24.727

Note that the version 3.3.2 is only available in procps-ng, original seems development has stopped years ago (version is still 3.2.8 and watch version 0.2.0). Also note to OSX/Darwin users the new and maintained fork of procps-ng doesn't yet compile on OSX using LLVM (see

– Brice – 2014-01-07T16:07:44.863


I think it may not be possible with the 'watch' command. Here is a longer way of doing it:

while true; do clear; date;echo;ls -al --color; sleep 2; done

You could put this in a script, for example:

echo "while true; do clear; date;echo;\$*;sleep 2; done" > watch2
chmod +x watch2
./watch2 ls -al --color

To clarify, here's why I think it's not possible with the 'watch' command. See what happens if you use cat -v:

watch "ls -al --color|cat -v"

It shows you the color control characters...which I think is not what you want.


Posted 2010-03-29T19:00:04.377

Reputation: 4 809

man watch clearly suggests that it should be possible without dissing watch. – Paweł Gościcki – 2010-03-29T19:27:46.650

It doesn't say you will be able to see colors. It says you will be able to see the non-printable characters. Try my command as above with cat -v to see what man watch was talking about. – davr – 2010-03-29T20:03:53.460

OK. It seems I must accept the fact that it's simply impossible. – Paweł Gościcki – 2010-03-31T15:37:57.553

Is there a way to suppress the blinking that results from the cycles of clear and print operations, a behavior not present in the watch command? – user001 – 2016-10-01T02:43:39.300

1You can reduce the duration of the blink a little by a) collecting the data to be displayed into a variable, b) clearing the screen, c) printing the variable. – Nick Russo – 2016-12-13T18:21:59.780

1@NickRusso thanks for the suggestion. Something like this greatly reduces the flickering: while true; do out=$(date;echo;ls -al --color);clear;echo $out;sleep 2;done – Kevin Mark – 2017-07-23T14:21:57.383

Also consider trimming line length to fit in terminal:

– nobar – 2017-09-15T21:18:26.327


@KevinMark: You should use quotes to handle multiple lines: echo "$out".

– nobar – 2017-09-15T21:20:37.083

@nobar You're right. Looks like it needs quotes in bash not not zsh. – Kevin Mark – 2017-09-15T21:27:04.283

@KevinMark You can put the "clear" command inside the parentheses. It just prints a terminal control code. See also my longer answer

– user21952-is-a-great-name – 2017-11-21T20:57:43.253


If you're using a Mac, like me, watch from Homebrew does not support colour.

What you want is fswatch but it's not Homebrew yet. To install it you'll want to do the slightly more convoluted‌​/Library/Formula/fswatch.rb

See this SO answer for usage.


Posted 2010-03-29T19:00:04.377

Reputation: 232

fswatch is available on Homebrew 0.9.5 – code_monk – 2014-10-20T01:45:09.290

2This only works for the filesystem, while watch applies to a command – Brice – 2014-01-07T15:49:49.287


UPDATE: Turns out the latest versions of watch fixed the problem. So, if the colors of watch --color are wrong, it's probably better to just update it (on my system, it's in the procps package).

The color support in watch --color is limited in my experience (though sufficient for ls -l --color). Here's my version of @davr's answer with some extra features, most importantly reduced flicker. You can put it in your .bashrc and use it as cwatch ls -l --color.

# `refresh cmd` executes clears the terminal and prints
# the output of `cmd` in it.
function refresh {
  tput clear || exit 2; # Clear screen. Almost same as echo -en '\033[2J';
  bash -ic "$@";

# Like watch, but with color
function cwatch {
   while true; do
     # Cache output to prevent flicker. Assigning to variable
     # also removes trailing newline.
     output=`refresh "$CMD"`;
     # Exit if ^C was pressed while command was executing or there was an error.
     exitcode=$?; [ $exitcode -ne 0 ] && exit $exitcode
     printf '%s' "$output";  # Almost the same as echo $output
     sleep 1;

You can also try things like

cwatch 'ls -l --color | head -n `tput lines`'

if your terminal has fewer lines than the output. That only works if all the lines are shorter than the terminal width, though. The best workaround I know for that is:

cwatch 'let lines=`tput lines`-2; ls -l --color | head -n $lines'


Posted 2010-03-29T19:00:04.377

Reputation: 171