Encoding problems when copy pasting from a remote desktop session


I connect to a distant machine to copy some arabic text to my machine.

When connecting through teamviewer, I get the text nice and clean when pasted on my machine, like this :

تدخر جهدا في سبيك توفير اكحماية ككصحفيين, وذكك بعد أن هددت حركة طاكبان اكمتمردة بشن هجوم عكى مقر قناتين تكفزيونيتين في كابوك واسته

When connecting through RDP, I get this instead

ÑæãÇ 27 ÓÈÊãÈÑ 2017 (æÇÌ)- ÍÞÞ äÇÏí äÇÈæßí ÇßÅíØÇßí ÇäÊÕÇÑÇ åÇãÇ Úßì ÖíÝå ÝíäæÑÏ ÑæÊÑÏÇã ÇßåæßäÏí (3-1) Ýí ÇßßÞÇÁ ÇßÐí ÌãÚåãÇ ãÓÇÁ ÇãÓ ÇßËßÇËÇÁ Úßì ãßÚÈ (ÓÇä ÈÇæßæ) Ýí ÅØÇÑ ÇßÌæßÉ ÇßËÇäíÉ ãä ÇßãÌãæÚÉ ÇßÓÇÏÓÉ ßßÃÓ ÑÇÈØÉ ÃÈØÇß ÃæÑæÈÇ ßßÑÉ ÇßÞÏã

Any tip on how to troubleshoot this ?

I am copying text from a third party application on the remote server to notepad on the local machine.


Posted 2017-09-27T11:11:14.713

Reputation: 261

1RDP shares the host clipboard, and notepad uses the system default encoding. so it doesn't surprise me that this is happening. have you considered using a more encoding-aware editor like Notepad++ or SublimeText? – Frank Thomas – 2017-09-27T11:49:35.120

I pasted on microsoft office word with same effect. See : https://i.imgur.com/VZTXQdY.png. Besides, notepad displays the text correctly when copying from teamviewer as I said in the description.

– ychaouche – 2017-09-27T12:18:43.013

I suggested N++ or Sublime because you can manually select the encoding type. – Frank Thomas – 2017-09-27T12:43:25.060

@FrankThomas, to be more specific this is a problem that is occuring to my users and they're used to microsoft word. Installing other editors isn't an option at this moment. – ychaouche – 2017-09-27T13:07:43.203



Before doing the copy on the remote machine I had to switch the keyboard layout (alt-shift), then procede to copying the text and pasting on my local machine with the correct encoding.


Posted 2017-09-27T11:11:14.713

Reputation: 261