I am planning to upgrade my Sapphire AM2+ Motherboard (Chipset 780G) with a new MSI AM3 (Chipset 785G).
I don't want to format and reinstall Windows 7.
I have heard that with Windows XP is not that easy because SATA drivers are not available by default, but maybe for Windows 7 things are easier.
Do you know which steps do I have to follow to achieve my target?
+1, this sounds good. You could also un-install or disable hardware in Windows before switching the board and avoid other peripherals (like external drives and spare adapters or USB devices) for the first boot to speed it up. – nik – 2010-03-29T12:52:16.193
Did you uninstall some devices before (from device manager) or it wasn't necessary? – Drake – 2010-03-29T14:08:53.137
I didn't uninstall anything. – Snark – 2010-03-29T14:36:16.180
next week, when MB arrive, I will try and let you know – Drake – 2010-03-31T10:32:30.883
done! i did a couple of reboots and Windows 7 detected all changes. Very nice :D – Drake – 2010-04-11T10:41:47.217
1happy to read this! thanks for the confirmation. – Snark – 2010-04-11T11:31:12.243