Context menu folder icon from .exe


I'm trying to add a context menu command to change folder icon into my target icon, what am I doing wrong?

icon.exe =
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="cmd.exe /c "%AppData%\Variable\icon.exe" "%1""
@="cmd.exe /c ping -n 3 > nul"
@="cmd.exe /c attrib -h -r "%1\desktop.ini"
@="cmd.exe /c echo [.ShellClassInfo] >"%1\desktop.ini"
@="cmd.exe /c echo IconFile="%AppData%\Variable\icons\*.ico>>"%1\desktop.ini"
@="cmd.exe /c echo IconIndex=0 >>"%1\desktop.ini"
@="cmd.exe /c attrib +h +r \"%1\desktop.ini"
@="cmd.exe /c attrib +r "%1"
@="cmd.exe /c rd /s /q "%AppData%\Variable\icons\*.ico""

Piotr Zondej

Posted 2017-09-22T15:31:47.350

Reputation: 13



If I interpreting the registry dump properly you are trying to cram a lot of commands in a single menu item. You can't do that, you have to put all that commands in a command script (a batch file), for example IconExtract.cmd, and use that file as the command of the context menu item.

Also I wouldn't touch the key that you trying to use, I think that it's for internal configuration of Explorer, the proper key for adding commands to the context menu of a folder is HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell, if would be something like this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Title of the menu item"

@="\"C:\\Path to the command script\\IconExtract.cmd\" %1"

and IconExtract.cmd would be:

"%AppData%\Variable\icon.exe" "%1"
ping -n 3 > nul
attrib -h -r "%1\desktop.ini"
echo [.ShellClassInfo] >"%1\desktop.ini"
echo IconFile="%AppData%\Variable\icons\*.ico>>"%1\desktop.ini"
echo IconIndex=0 >>"%1\desktop.ini"
attrib +h +r \"%1\desktop.ini"
attrib +r "%1"
rd /s /q "%AppData%\Variable\icons\*.ico"

Alberto Martinez

Posted 2017-09-22T15:31:47.350

Reputation: 1 235