I noticed that if I transfer a few large files between two hard drives, it's pretty speedy, at around at least 30 MB per second, but if I transfer thousands of files less than 5 KB, it is pretty damn too slow.. around 1 to 2 MB per second.
Is there a way to speed up the copy/paste process with thousands of small files on Windows 7?
2TeraCopy crashed for me so I wouldn't recommend it as there's potential for data loss. – Simon Morgan – 2015-06-10T16:37:35.673
1@netrox: highly, highly recommended Teracopy. +1 – studiohack – 2010-03-29T04:40:07.010
3I had the opposite problem - copying 1m tiny files caused explorer to crash, but TeraCopy worked well! – RobinL – 2016-01-17T10:02:13.110