How to change word selection separator characters in Mac OS X?



Depending on your system, the word separator characters change the way you can select/delete a word (e.g. by double clicking on it or using a key combination with your keyboard).

The fact is that I hate the default behavior of OSX.

For example:

Take the following line of code:


If my cursor is at the end of the line and I press alt+backspace, it will delete everything and not just innerAttr.

I only found some apps (like iTerm) which let you change the word selection separator characters.

Is there a way to change it for the whole system?


Posted 2010-03-28T12:06:42.653

Reputation: 2 236



The only difference between the two English options (at least in for ASCII characters) seems to be whether period and colon are treated as part of words.

Part of words:

  • '.:_ in Standard
  • '_ in English (United States, Computer)

Not part of the start or end of words:

  • $+<=>^` in Standard
  • $+<=>^` in English (United States, Computer)


Posted 2010-03-28T12:06:42.653

Reputation: 34 501


The answer by user ` is correct for pre-osx-10.9 (I think). However, in OS X 10.9 and later the System Preferences changed a bit. It now looks like this:

Language & Region


Posted 2010-03-28T12:06:42.653

Reputation: 163


Apple keeps moving this around. This no longer works on 10.13. New solution defaults write .GlobalPreferences AppleTextBreakLocale en_US_POSIX via

– Daniel – 2019-01-25T21:16:36.553


To the best of my knowledge, selection word separation is done on a per-application basis, not a system-wide basis. iTerm allows you to configure the characters, but that's an extremely unusual option; most applications use the predetermined defaults in the Cocoa and Carbon libraries, which are hard-coded, not drawn from a centralized preference setting.

Dan Story

Posted 2010-03-28T12:06:42.653

Reputation: 139

Well, that's just too bad... – None – 2010-03-28T13:02:16.987

More importantly, iTerm's preference only affects selecting text in iTerm. It doesn't affect how tty applications move the cursor or edit words. – Chris Page – 2011-08-29T12:08:40.023