Can Intel CPUs change clock speed on a per-core basis?


Many multi-core Intel CPUs feature both SpeedStep and Turbo Boost, and can therefore run at clock speeds both below and above their base frequency.

Can these CPUs control the clock speed per-core, or does a single frequency apply to the whole processor?

In particular, when a tool such as Intel Power Gadget shows the current clock speed of the processor, does this value apply to all cores or just some of them?


Posted 2017-09-09T11:18:13.540

Reputation: 471

It would depend on the actual implementation and probably the actual CPU model/version of those technologies you're using. – Seth – 2017-09-09T12:18:49.047

Intel CPUs don't have this feature, I swear, I remember a question that asked a question similar to this one.. Some ARM CPUs do have this feature – Ramhound – 2017-09-09T16:08:41.917

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