scheduled bash script : how to transfer a file from HTTPS web server to FTP server


I need to automate a task that downloads an XML file on a https:// web server (with authentification) and upload it on an FTP server (with another authentification).

So I think the best approach is to use CURL (or WGET) to download the file and lftp to upload !?

But I don't know how to script it in .sh file to program it sith cron (every thursday at 8 AM).

Have you got an example ?


Example of file to download : ( format)

Example of filename in FTP server while uploaded : export_07.08.2017.xml


Posted 2017-09-07T07:30:25.900

Reputation: 101



Your question composes actually of three questions: 1) How to download a file (with auth) 2) How to upload a file (with auth) 3) How to schedule a CRON job

My first question is how do you want to store the id/passwd

ad 1) You can use both curl and wget depending on what is better for your use case. I recommend reading excellent post by Daniel Stenberg curl vs Wget to understand the differences (a quick summary - curl is more developer friendly and is also a library a wget is a command).

I'm recommending using certificates without user/passwd as such would be visible to everyone having your id or group.

In my example, I'll use curl and certificate:
curl --cert certificate_file.pem

ad 2) To upload a file curl -T example.xml --cert certificate_file.pem ftps://

ad 3) Cron format:

# Minute   Hour   Day of Month       Month          Day of Week        Command    
# (0-59)  (0-23)     (1-31)    (1-12 or Jan-Dec)  (0-6 or Sun-Sat)                
    0        2          12             *                *            /usr/bin/find

You only crontab -e to edit your crontab file. Other ways can lead to file corruption.

If you want to run your file every Thursday at 8AM do it the following way:
0 8 1-31 1-12 4 /path/ or you can do it with *: 0 8 * * 4 /path/ .

If you want to read more do it at: Cron and Crontab usage and examples

Now put it together:


# $1 is your command line input (e.g. example.xml)

actual_download="curl --cert certificate_file.pem$file_download"

eval $actual_download

if [ -e "$file_upload" ] then
  actual_upload="curl -T $file_upload --cert certificate_file.pem ftps://"
  eval $actual_upload
  echo "The $file_upload does not exist!"

You would then execute the file: /path/example_download.xml /path/example_upload.xml


Posted 2017-09-07T07:30:25.900

Reputation: 1 274

Thanks, I'll try it. For Cron it's all ok. for download I have an https://www... access with user and password. On FTP it's user and password authentification too.

Filename is date of the day : ( format)

– Meloman – 2017-09-07T08:10:17.787

1@Meloman: Please do :). I always recommend using certificates as it is way more secure and nobody can "steal" your credentials from plaintext. If you want to use curl with credentials curl -u username:password If it answers your question please mark it, thank you. – tukan – 2017-09-07T08:12:49.647

1Yes, of course but we have no choice to use what provider of the xml gives to us, and it's simple authentification ! Even if I find it stupid since SSL is enough to keep the data confidential. Data that are not otherwise. – Meloman – 2017-09-07T08:16:16.930


With help of @djsmiley2k on chat and @tukan here... here is my working approach :


file_download=export.aspx?dt=`date +%d.%m.%Y`

#download file form web server
xml_file="curl -u '$user_from:$pass_from' $host_from/$file_download"

# destination
file_upload=`date +%d.%m.%Y`.xml

#upload file to FTP server
xml_upload="curl -T $file_upload -u '$user_to:$pass_to' $host_to/$file_upload"

Main issue was to escape user and password vars with single quotes.


Posted 2017-09-07T07:30:25.900

Reputation: 101