Working on Ubuntu from Windows


Possible Duplicate:
Remote Desktop for Ubuntu

First, I have to say that I have no experience in working with Ubuntu or any other Unix like distributions. I have two computers and I wish to have the following setup and working scenario.

In one computer I need to have Ubuntu and to connect to it from a Windows station using my LAN.

Can you recommend a tutorial (link, video, anything)?

dole doug

Posted 2010-03-27T09:36:34.587

Reputation: 1 593

Question was closed 2010-03-27T11:32:03.107


Duplicate of many, like "Remote Desktop for Ubuntu" at

– Arjan – 2010-03-27T10:17:05.283



I'll probably start by deciding if i want to use the remote system in cli or gui.

putty is defacto 'standard' ssh client for windows- it handles only cli so is often used with xming

While its a whole load heavier, i prefer mobaxterm - it has x server support baked in (you can remote into a whole gui session), a proper unix style terminal on windows (so you connect to a system with ssh and such). It also lets you get used to the unix style cli to an extent - so its a nice intermediate between handholding in terms of getting started, and giving you the chance to learn the knowledge of to use linux tools.

Journeyman Geek

Posted 2010-03-27T09:36:34.587

Reputation: 119 122


You could try using a VNC client/server pair. VNC, in case you're not sure about what it is, is a remote desktop protocol. If you don't know what that is - it's a way of viewing and controlling the screen of a system through another system. I avoided using "computer" because you can use remote desktop software to connect to a virtual PC.

Wikipedia's list of remote desktop clients is quite confusing, so for a basic list of VNC software you can have a look here. It lists RealVNC, TightVNC and UltraVNC on the first page, which are quite well known VNC software.


Posted 2010-03-27T09:36:34.587

Reputation: 685