Remote Desktop from Win10 to Win7



So here's my Remote Desktop Probelm. I frequently need to use RDP to connect to a Windows box at work.

On my Mac, I use FortiClient 5.4 to establish a VPN connection, and then I use Microsoft Remote Desktop 8.0 to connect. No problems.

  • I can connect to my box (Running Windows 7 Enterprise). No problem.
  • I can connect to another box (on the same subnet) (Running Windows Server 2012). No problem.

However, when I'm doing work stuff, I generally boot into Windows 10 on my Mac (via Bootcamp). Then I follow the same steps. I establish a VPN connection with FortiClient 5.4, and then use Remote Desktop, to connect. But there's a problem:

  • I cannot connect to my box (Running Windows 7 Enterprise). I get a message "The connection was denied because the user account is not authorized for remote login" (even though I'm using the same user account/credentials)
  • Meanwhile, I can connect to another box (using the same user account, on the same subnet) (Running Windows Server 2012)

In summary:

  • RDP from OSX to Win7 = No Problem
  • RDP from OSX to WinServer2012 = No Problem
  • RDP from Win10 (via Bootcamp) to WinServer2012 = No Problem
  • RDP from Win10 (via Bootcamp) to Win7 = PROBLEM. Error message: "The connection was denied because the user account is not authorized for remote login"

My user account grants me access to both these boxes (as demonstrated when I connect from within OSX).

Based on this… it SEEMS like it might have something to do with connecting to Win 7 from Win 10? Can anyone shed any light on this?


Posted 2017-09-02T13:18:33.047

Reputation: 1

2Not sure, but you might be able to fix this by disabling: Allow only connections from remote computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended). You can find this in the System properties where you enable Remote Desktop on your windows 7 machine. – LPChip – 2017-09-02T13:23:09.610

Also, make sure you have the username setup correctly. It should be WINDOWS7_PCNAME\username – LPChip – 2017-09-02T13:23:52.507

Tried that. Same results. But thank you for the suggestion. – Dummy – 2017-09-02T17:30:32.453

Did you check RDP from WinServer2012 to Win7 ? (Should be fine too but it's best to check) – Rik – 2017-09-04T12:05:58.447



Are you using the same windows 7 box login when connecting from mac-os and when connecting from windows 10? If not so, make sure to add it to the remote users group of the windows 7 box.

For reference:


Posted 2017-09-02T13:18:33.047

Reputation: 371

Yes. I'm using the same account (windows 7 box login). – Dummy – 2017-09-02T13:30:33.760