My own rpm doesn't execute %install sequence



I built for the first time a RPM package. This RPM is a packaged front-end app, and the install only needs to move the app files and do a nginx restart. This is my spec file:

Name:           my-portal-app

Version:        2.1

Release:        1%{?dist}

Summary:        Descripcion

License:        No-license

URL:            nourl

Source0:        my-portal-app-2.1.tar.gz

My app install

%setup -q

#make %{?_smp_mflags}

cp -r ./* /var/www/myapp
service nginx restart




All it's ok when i run rpmbuild -ba, exit 0, and the %install sequence is computed (copy files and restart nginx). Ok, rpmbuild generates the RPM (in rpmbuild/RPMS) and the SRPM in (rpmbuild/SRPMS).

But, if i understand well, when i install my SRPM with rpm -ivh name.rpm the %install sequence must be executed, am i right? If i am, sequence is not being executed (not copy files to /var/www/myapp and not restarting nginx). Executing the RPM the same.

The contain of the SRPM is correct, all files are in. And the RPM is empty.


Posted 2017-08-26T20:40:19.397

Reputation: 153



As you said, %install section is for configure initial RPM build sentences you will need to set up.

To accomplish your goal you must use %post section, in that, you can define the execution of your own .sh (for example) or you can set one by one the sentences that you need, for example:

sudo service restart nginx

For the issue of the empty RPM, it's because %files section did not properly filled, the binaries moved to RPM are related with the content of that section (%files)


Posted 2017-08-26T20:40:19.397

Reputation: 36


Ok, I was wrong... as this doc says:

The %install section is not run when the binary RPM package is installed by the end-user, but is only run when creating a package.


Posted 2017-08-26T20:40:19.397

Reputation: 153

The correct section to accomplish my goal is %post – Kalamarico – 2017-08-30T12:54:28.303