When viewing processes under Process Explorer, there is services.exe, which has several svchost.exe subprocesses. Each of these hosts one or more services. However, selection of services in single process seems completely random.
How does the process select which services it hosts? Can this be affected somehow?
I can't find any controls for this in services.msc.
I would want to force some services into their own processes, separate from others.
I see. Assuming I take the risk, I would have to create completely new service user. But that is probably worthy of another SU question. – user694733 – 2017-08-22T09:40:16.573
Yes. I've seen some programs do exactly that and when combined with filesystem permissions can make a service that can be effectively given a folder area where only that service can work. I'd agree that the creation of services sounds like a new question, but I also suspect we might already have a question detailing that. – Mokubai – 2017-08-22T09:46:25.583