Outlook rule does not recognize sender



I created a rule that should move all emails sent from "noreply@domain.com" to a specified folder.

However the rule runs but nothing happens, it seems to me it does not recognize the sender in my inbox. In the rule the sender is listed as "No Reply", which I believe is taken from my global address book, as that is how that particular email is listed there (First Name = "No" and Last Name = "Reply").

I have other rules about moving emails from certain senders and they all work fine and do not display the sender's email address in the rule manager as their First and Last name from my global address book but rather they display it as the proper email address (if this matters, at all).

I tried searching google for this but got only "Outlook rule does not work" and "How to create an Outlook rule" results.

J. Doe

Posted 2017-08-14T06:37:42.423

Reputation: 11



I had exactly this issue too and just right now managed to work around it by creating a contact in my local Contacts address book that had the email address as the "Email Address" and "Display Name".

When setting up the rule I used the local Contacts address book to select the email sender instead of the Global Address Book.

Doing this kept the raw email address in the rule, which I could then at least run manually. I still need to check that it will work when triggered automatically, but it updated to the server and does not show as a client side rule, so hopeful.


Posted 2017-08-14T06:37:42.423

Reputation: 1