It's something that has been driving me crazy for a long time now, on Windows XP, 7 and now Windows 10. I can't find a way to customize the "Sort by" list proposed by default in the context menu when you right click in a file/folder list.
I know that when you click on "More..." at the bottom of the list you can check/uncheck items in the "Choose Details" window, and you can Move Up/Down items so that they appear in the featured sort by list when you do this again in the same folder. But I would like to customize the default proposed list so that on any file/folder list I want to sort I can find the item I use all the time: "Date modified" without having to go in "More.." again and check Date modified.
(Furthermore, if I check items in the "Choose Details" window, they never stay here for a long time. After a reboot or two I have to do this again, in the same folder. But that's another issue I'm not trying to address here)
There have been a few solutions provided previously on superuser in the topic: How do I change the default sort order on Windows Explorer and the File Dialogs. I hope that this information is helpful.
– Ashton – 2017-08-07T00:36:36.290