Search with OR in Windows


I have a folder with countries flags "us.svg", "fr.svg", "de.svg" etc...

I need to remove all but there 3... So, is it possible to search with "OR", something like

us | fr | de

in order to cut select these files to a safe place and remove others?


Posted 2017-08-03T15:14:02.193

Reputation: 406

1Advanced Query Syntax – DavidPostill – 2017-08-03T15:16:18.990

You should be able to simply put OR in between your searches. – Cheesus Crust – 2017-08-03T15:25:34.353



You are close to the solution already. Try this search expression:

us OR fr OR de

It should deliver results only if they match (or rather, contain) one of the three items. However, the search routine is always recursive so it will also dive into subfolders and deliver matches from the entire directory structure where you currently execute the search.


Posted 2017-08-03T15:14:02.193

Reputation: 69

good point, also @davidpostill remark is very useful :) – Serge – 2017-08-03T16:44:20.987


By far the best program to search on Windows is called Everything.

If you use that program, you could search using your exact query.

If you don't want to use another program, you could also just use OR.

John Stoneman

Posted 2017-08-03T15:14:02.193

Reputation: 491