How to add preliminary message header to automatically forwarded emails in Outlook?


I have emails from one mailbox set up to be automatically forwarded to another. This is fine, but I'd like to add a tag to all of the forwarded emails that says:

"Begin forwarded message


at the beginning.

Is this possible in Outlook? I can't seem to find anything online about it or anything in settings.

Summer R

Posted 2017-07-31T18:27:57.550

Reputation: 1



This is possible, but only by using a VBA script.

You will need to create a rule for forwarding which runs a script (link). The script will look something like this simple example (totally untested) :

Sub SendNew(Item As Outlook.MailItem)

Dim objMsg As MailItem
Set objMsg = Application.CreateItem(olMailItem)

objMsg.Subject = "FW: " & Item.Subject
objMsg.Body = "Begin forwarded message"  & Chr(10) & "------" & Chr(10) & Item.Body


End Sub

Some more work may be needed for HTML text.

See also this article.


Posted 2017-07-31T18:27:57.550

Reputation: 306 093