Configure proftpd to use standalone via apt-get?



Is it possible to pass in arguments to the command apt-get install proftpd such that the resulting installation process will assume "stand-alone" mode, without prompting the user for information?

(If necessary, we can probably compile from source or such. I just wanted to see if there was an easier way before going that route.)


Posted 2017-07-26T11:03:44.893

Reputation: 156



Well there are ways to do it, i will try to show the possible way or ways :

  • One liner

1) Get debconf-utils

sudo apt-get install debconf-utils

2) Then

echo "proftpd-basic shared/proftpd/inetd_or_standalone select standalone" | debconf-set-selections

3) Then launch the install which should know that you pre-selected Standalone

apt-get install proftpd

Then we can go and write a oneliner:

apt-get --yes --force-yes install debconf-utils &&
  echo "proftpd-basic shared/proftpd/inetd_or_standalone select standalone" | debconf-set-selections
 && apt-get install proftpd

Hope this helps or else try the Script approach

  • Script

check if bin bash is there or adjust as needed


debconf-set-selections <<\EOF
proftpd-basic shared/proftpd/inetd_or_standalone select standalone

# install
apt-get install proftpd
# ServerType: standalone

# configure 
#sed -i 's|# RequireValidShell|RequireValidShell|g' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf
#sed -i 's|# DefaultRoot|DefaultRoot|g' /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf
#cat <<EOF>> /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf
#<Limit LOGIN>
#    DenyGroup !ftpuser
# </Limit>

# create ftpuser group
#addgroup ftpuser

# restart
/etc/init.d/proftpd restart

I've commented out the Configuration part as i dont know what you would need.


How to install Debconf utils and how to capture selections:

force silent install : Automatically answer 'Yes' when using apt-get install

echo message for debconf :

And last but not least the SH :


Posted 2017-07-26T11:03:44.893

Reputation: 344