Logical operators in windows search


I'm trying to make a search for pdf, docx and doc files between 1 and 16 MB. This is what I'm searching for, are my parenthesis doing the job properly? Is there for me to specify size rather than using the default Windows 7 definition? could I exclude words in the filename by using a minus sign? I would normally just solve this with trial and error, but the file system i'm searching is several terabytes large. size:large AND (*.pdf OR *.docx OR *.doc)


Posted 2017-07-24T17:26:17.327

Reputation: 12 320



Is there for me to specify size rather than using the default Windows 7 definition?

You can use the > and < operators with size, to specify a size in bytes:

size:>500 - Finds items with a size greater than 500 bytes.

size:<500 - Finds items with a size less than 500 bytes.

Source Advanced Query Syntax

You can also specify a range of sizes as follows:

size:>=1mb <=16mb

Source Learn How to Use Windows 7’s Advanced Search Operators


Posted 2017-07-24T17:26:17.327

Reputation: 118 938

The note in the Boolean operators section mentions OR and Not, but doesn't mention "AND". Are you sure AND is a valid operator? – wizlog – 2017-07-24T17:44:36.033

@wizlog Oops. You are correct. Answer updated to explain how to specify a renge of sizes. – DavidPostill – 2017-07-24T20:02:27.477