Hotkeys for navigating and using the solution explorer in vscode?


I'm on ubuntu so when I press ctrl+shift+E opening and entering the solution explorer I have a few questions:

1) Can I through hotkeys close files without leaving the solution explorer (or at all?). I.e. simulate the effect of clicking on the x-symbol next to the file-names?

2) When I enter the solution explorer I can "go through" the open editors by using the up/down arrows. Below these I can see the structure of my current folder. Is there any way of "jumping down" and go through the files/folders of my current folder through up/down arrows? Or manipulating the folder (like triggering new file, new folder, refresh, collapse all) from the keyboard?

3) Can I delete files at all from vscode? In the shortcuts there is a deleteFile command supposedly triggered by shift+delete but I haven't figured out where and how to trigger it?

I suppose I could do ctrl+K P and then run rm filepath in the terminal. I suppose that's reasonably smooth way of doing it but would still like to know more about these functionalities in vscode


Posted 2017-07-22T20:12:25.807

Reputation: 111



I've found commands (that I've bound hotkeys for) for most of my questions:

2 and 3)

workbench.files.action.focusFilesExplorer set the focus to the files in the explorer

workbench.files.action.focusOpenEditorsView set the focus to the editors in the explorer

There should be coupled with when-clauses:
explorerViewletFocus and filesExplorerFocus respectively

In the keybindings, just search explorer and you'll find a bunch of commands to use on files in the filesexplorer. (delete file being one of them)

I still don't have the answer for 1) though and will hopefully wait for someone to give that information. When hoovering over the x-symbol it says "Close editor (ctrl+w)" though this will change focus from the explorer, so you can't easily just close a bunch of open editors smoothly through this method.

EDIT: Just realized that it's just called "explorer" it's a directory/editor explorer. Not a solution explorer.


Posted 2017-07-22T20:12:25.807

Reputation: 111