I have been trying to scale and avi file, converting it to mp4 at the same time, but the output it horrible. I am using ffmpeg, and found several posts about this conversion without loosing quality. Yet my output gets worse as the video plays.
I have tried using these commands, some found right here on superuser:
ffmpeg -v verbose -i hd.avi -c:v libx264 -crf 19 -preset slow -c:a aac -b:a 192k -ac 2 scaledoutput.mp4
ffmpeg -i hd.avi -strict -2 scaledoutput.mp4
ffmpeg -v verbose -re -i hd.avi -vf scale=640:480 scaledoutput.mp4
I think it would help if I could attache a sample video of input and output, but don't know how to do that, so a description will have to do. The output starts clear, but starts going downhills as the video plays. The colors are skewed and weird. Audio is clear, but the video is almost unrecognizable.
Any ideas?
Will need to see sample of both source and "almost unrecognizable" output. Don't upload the full video if it's too large. Use
ffmpeg -ss N -t 10 -i file -c copy -avoid_negative_ts make_zero file_sample
to extract a portion from both files. Keep sample extension same as source. N should be chosen so that the distortion is visible in the output. – Gyan – 2017-07-20T05:35:29.597The video is only 17 seconds long. is that short enough? BUT, I don't know how to upload files to this site. Can you tell me how to upload or where to find instructions? Thanks for your reply! – Ute – 2017-07-20T18:00:15.633
I think I found a way to get the videos posted. I put them on my dropbox page. Here is the link to the input file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dw6ml8iwnnkmoz9/hd.avi?dl=0 and the output file is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p19vsn9iasb99km/scaledoutput.mp4?dl=0 Let me know if that works for you.
– Ute – 2017-07-20T19:01:14.717