Debugging a run-once registry command


I'm having trouble getting my runonce command to actually run on login after I promote my server to AD. I've gotten my autologin to work just fine but my registry command won't run on reboot, code below:

Set-ItemProperty "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" `
-Name '!continueADConfig' `
-Value "c:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe  -NonInteractive -WindowStyle Normal -NoLogo -NoProfile -NoExit $scriptpath -primaryNTP $primaryNTP -secondaryNTP $secondaryNTP -rootDomainName $rootDomainName -netBiosName $netBiosName -staticIp $staticIp -subnetPrefix $subnetPrefix -defaultGateway $defaultGateway" 

resulting in a runonce !continueADConfig value of c:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NonInteractive -WindowStyle Normal -NoLogo -NoProfile -NoExit C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\promotion.ps1 -primaryNTP -secondaryNTP -rootDomainName -netBiosName mynetbios -staticIp -subnetPrefix 24 -defaultGateway

I've checked the runonce key after startup and the values populate correctly, I've even copy/pasted the resulting command into both powershell and cmd.exe with success, it just won't run from the registry. I am running autologin into the domain's administrator account too....


Posted 2017-07-18T21:59:00.627

Reputation: 13

Download procmon from sysinternals, enable boot logging, reboot and search if the registry key has been accessed or not. If it has, there's either a problem reading the key or a problem running it. Both cases can be verified from the logging. – Lieven Keersmaekers – 2017-07-19T05:32:40.583

C:\Users\Administrator\Documents might be invisible (or access denied to) in login time. Place the promotion.ps1 to a commonly accessible folder. – JosefZ – 2017-07-19T14:01:27.387

What kinds of folders are commonly accessible? I placed it at the root of c, C:\ and it still didn't work – comp.sci.intern – 2017-07-24T19:37:01.837

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