Should I install VS 2017 Community and VS 2017 Enterprise side by side?


I am running Windows 10 x64 in VMWare where I use Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition for development purposes.

However I need to use some features of Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise Edition for special cases. I am looking at installing it.

My question is

  1. Will installing VS 2017 Enterprise side by side with VS 2017 Community have any negative performance impact on my machine even if I use them one at a time for my development purposes?


  1. Should I use a separate virtual machine for VS 2017 Enterprise installation?

Thanks in advance.

Hamza Ahmed Zia

Posted 2017-07-13T11:51:07.603

Reputation: 379

IIRC Enterprise contains all features. Why bother installing both when you have an Enterprise license? – Daniel B – 2017-07-13T11:55:03.883

Community is lighter is my machine – Hamza Ahmed Zia – 2017-07-13T11:56:53.920

Space is not a concern. RAM and CPU is. Enterprise has more feature sets which require more ram and cpu processing. Needless to say I'm constrained on RAM and CPU – Hamza Ahmed Zia – 2017-07-13T13:21:20.030

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