Online Screenshot Generator for Mac


I'm looking for a free online web page screenshot generator that will take photos of Mac browsers.

I've looked at:

  • BrowsrCamps
  • BrowserShots
  • LitmusApp

All of which I'm sure are good but charge for a screenshot of your web app using a Mac browser.

Does anyone know of a free alternative.


Posted 2010-03-22T18:07:31.793


Question was closed 2010-03-25T14:52:05.520

Just pay and stop being stuck-up and stingey. – Amy B – 2010-03-22T18:08:48.783

@Michael Boyd, way are you down voting this? I just found a similar post at but seems to be dated since they all charge now

– None – 2010-03-22T18:10:34.767 does not deal with web app questions... – marcusw – 2010-03-22T18:24:14.670

1superuser is for computer hardware and software only. Websites are outside of the scope. – Josh K – 2010-03-22T22:56:42.913



Doesn't Mac have a build in screen shot tool?

CMD_<SHIFT>_4 should bring up the tool automatically.


Posted 2010-03-22T18:07:31.793

Reputation: 306

1I imagine he doesn't have a Mac and wants to see what a website will look like on it. – ceejayoz – 2010-03-22T20:48:00.467