Not receiving emails for Hotmail Email


I am a hotmail/outlook user and use windows10. Currently, I am having a problem receiving emails online and on my phone. For instance, my sister recently sent one and I didn't receive it, yet when she forwarded it to my gmail, which is connected to my hotmail account, it was received.

I looked up what might be going on at this site:

I tried all solutions, but to no avail. It doesn't appear to be a junk email problem, such as in other people's cases.

Recently, my sister got a message entitled: "Warning: Could not send message for past 4 hours." Pasted in the message was this

<<< 421 RP-001 (SNT004-MC1F36) Unfortunately, some messages from 148.163.XXX.XXX weren't sent. Please try again. We have limits for how many messages can be sent per hour and per day. You can also refer to ... while talking to


Note: removed IP Address for privacy.

So my problem appears to be related to this: "421 RP-001" error, however I don't why this might be, because my home network works for others and everything was fine yesterday.
How should I resolve this? Why might this be happening?


Posted 2017-07-02T02:02:11.237

Reputation: 1

2"Why might this be happening?" - Sounds like your sister's account is compromised and being used to send spam, based on the message she received, saying she was sending to many emails – Ramhound – 2017-07-02T02:09:46.490

Ah I suspected it didn't have to do with my email. The only other email I didn't get came from this other person using a Stanford email address. So it might be a problem with their server... – Jonesn11 – 2017-07-02T04:34:20.500

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