Why does the order of application search results in the Windows 10 start menu change when adding more letters of their common prefix?



My question is best demonstrated through an example. I have both Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017 installed and when I search with the query vi in the start menu, it finds them:

However, to my surprise, when I extend the query to vis, the order of the results suddenly changes:

When adding another letter, the results change even more:

And when using the full query visual, suddenly the results change back:

This happens despite the fact that both applications have the exact same prefix that matches. What causes this to happen?

This may seem like a petty problem, but this surprise leads to me launching the wrong version of Visual Studio quite often when I click an item by muscle memory, but don't enter the exact same query every time.


Posted 2017-06-27T18:07:07.473

Reputation: 330

Notice that only once you add the third letter does the full text of visual Studio 2017 appear in the search box. A clue, perhaps? – I say Reinstate Monica – 2017-06-27T18:10:49.703

@Twisty Good point, but when extending the query to visu, the results change even more. – Overv – 2017-06-27T18:24:04.850

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