How can I blur an image on Mac?


How can I blur an image on MacOS? I would like to achieve this on a Mac Terminal or something simpler.

I see answers using ImageMagick PHP, and answers using ImageMagick on Windows, but that is not what I need.

Luis B

Posted 2017-06-20T05:48:03.233

Reputation: 353

You've not shown any working or troubleshooting. Also your question seems extremely vage – David Golding – 2017-06-20T10:55:49.727

I'm open to making this question more specific. Suggestions? – Luis B – 2017-06-21T14:33:59.030



This solution can be used in the Mac Terminal with imagemagick:

convert original.jpg -filter Gaussian -resize 50% -define filter:sigma=10.0 -resize 200% original_blur.jpg 

Feel free to change the sigma=10.0 to change the bluriness. Increase the sigma value to make more blurry, and decrease the sigma value to make it less blurry.

Luis B

Posted 2017-06-20T05:48:03.233

Reputation: 353