Enable GLX extension in Xvfb in Xquartz



The version of Xvfb included in Xquartz on MacOS doesn't support GLX:

$ Xvfb +extension GLX
[mi] Extension "GLX" is not recognized
[mi] Only the following extensions can be run-time enabled:
[mi]    Generic Events
[mi]    Composite

Is it feasible to enable it? What is involved?

Edited to add: I tried running Xvfb with the GLX extension on a Linux VM. It runs fine, but it doesn't actually render the OpenGL graphics. Perhaps I used the wrong config for the display. I used

Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x24 +extension GLX +render -noreset -fbdir temp >xsession.log 2>&1 &

or perhaps Xvfb just doesn't render OpenGL.


Posted 2017-06-19T18:50:27.960

Reputation: 156

From the first message I'd say that if GLX is available for Xvfb, it has to be compiled in, so to enable it you'd have to recompile your own version with appropriate configure flags... – L. Levrel – 2018-11-12T08:22:40.723

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