Highlight selected objects in LibreOffice Draw


Is there some way to see which objects are selected in LibreOffice Draw, when selecting multiple objects with Shift+LeftClick?

Compare these screenshots from Libreoffice and Powerpoint (at slightly different state of editing):


In powerpoint, it is obvious that the four circles are selected. In Libreoffice it is anyones guess which of the objects are selected. As a result I repeatedly accidentially selected something other then the circles, without any visual feedback warning me about it.

The highlight would be the same for countless combinations of selected objects; If the "b4" circle is not selected for instance, one will not notice until changing something. For trivial examples this is only a minor annoyance, but for larger numbers of objects (e.g. changing the color of all blue circles in ) it quickly becomes inconvenient.

Is it possible with Libreoffice to determine the selected objects in a manner similarly convenient as seen in Powerpoint?


Posted 2017-06-19T14:00:34.040

Reputation: 1 076

The 8 green squares clearly show you have the whole drawing (cube) selected in Draw. – DavidPostill – 2017-06-19T22:27:40.293

No, I have not. Only the four gray circles are selected, the same as in powerpoint. The same goes for the inline image – there two only a few circles are selected, but if all were selected, the selection-rectangle would be the same. This ambiguity of the visual feedback is what I am asking about. – kdb – 2017-06-20T11:22:53.127

@kdb Aside: The selection rectangle tightly encloses the selected objects. In your second screenshot you must at least have the text b1 selected as well as the grey circles. – Joe P – 2017-06-22T13:26:38.137

I don't think it's possible, and I agree it's a usability problem. One (laborious) workaround is to group the selected objects, then Enter group - now the non-selected objects are faded slightly. Another might be to drag the objects (clicking on one you know is in the group) and then undo. – Joe P – 2017-06-22T13:28:16.270



In the bugreport linked by Joe P, a better workaround was brought up after I posted my examples there: Pressing "F8" to toggle "points-mode", where the highlights look pretty much like in Powerpoint.

A followup comment however disputes this method as a workaround that mixes functions that should be separate, but it is certainly at least a better workaround.


Posted 2017-06-19T14:00:34.040

Reputation: 1 076

Definitely better. Good find. – Joe P – 2017-06-29T11:33:29.747


According to bug report 74364 – EDITING: Selecting multiple draw objects should show (unselectable) handles for all objects this isn't possible.

I agree it's a usability problem.

One (laborious) workaround is to group the selected objects, then Enter group - now the non-selected objects are faded slightly. Another might be to drag the objects (clicking on one you know is in the group) and then undo.

Joe P

Posted 2017-06-19T14:00:34.040

Reputation: 271