Firefox creates ~65 threads for 8 tabs


I was looking at the output of htop and noticed that Firefox had about 65 threads listed. I only have about 8 tabs going, so I am trying to understand why so many threads have been created and seem to persist. They don't seem to be using my a whole lot of CPU usage or memory usage (about 12%). The command listed for all of them is /usr/bin/firefox/firefox --new-window.

How can I go about beginning to understand what is going on here?


UPDATE 1: Currently using Firefox 53.0.3 (64 bit) on Linux


Posted 2017-06-17T11:55:14.303

Reputation: 11

What version of FF? – user3169 – 2017-06-18T05:35:17.483

Ah, good question. I've added the version to the question. – tnibbles – 2017-06-18T13:44:12.773

Use ps -T -p <pid> to see threads. They’re named! – Daniel B – 2017-06-18T14:52:45.443

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