Byobu status bar conflicts with vim-airline


I started using Byobu and found this interesting problem. Then I run Vim with vim-airline plugin (status bar like powerline) inside byobu session, it interferes byobu status bar. The problem exists even if I close vim.

More clearly will be seen on the screenshots:

Vim opened:

Vim opened

Vim closed:

Vim closed


Posted 2017-06-16T19:45:09.150

Reputation: 21

Might be related to this issue.

– Pablo A – 2017-09-17T02:43:58.317

@PabloBianchi Thank you! – spellanser – 2019-06-17T15:43:46.680



Quote from solution, posted on Github, in the issue mentioned by @PabloBianchi:

Apparently, to make byobu and powerline correctly display the window names, you will need to add the default command setting to your .tmux.conf (in my case fish):

set-option -g default-command "/usr/bin/fish"

Notably, only the first window will get the name, and the rest will get only a weird hyphen (-) if you create the window using byobu's F2.

However, if you use the standard -c keybinding for the window creation, then all windows will have proper names.


Posted 2017-06-16T19:45:09.150

Reputation: 21