installing libraries for cygwin


I want to install these libraries in cygwin, how do I do it? are all of them available on cygwin environment or only on linux?

  • g++ - the version 4.4
  • graphviz
  • gnuplot
  • plotdrop
  • libboost version 1.38
  • libgsl0-dbg
  • libgsl0-dev
  • libgsl0ldbl

Hoang Pham

Posted 2010-03-19T15:06:34.227

Reputation: 452



Here is the official Cygwin Package List. This includes all the packages you can install via the Cygwin installer (link), and allows searching and examining the package contents before you install it.

Note that Cygwin doesn't necessarily use the same package names (like libgsl0-dev, etc) that other Linux distributions use.

  • g++ v4.4: Cygwin's latest GCC is gcc4-4.3.4-3 (note the separate gcc4 package name; the normal gcc package is version 3.4.4). If you need newer you'll have to install from source.
  • graphviz: not available as a Cygwin package(?); install the Windows version
  • gnuplot: latest package is gnuplot-4.2.4-1
  • plotdrop: not available as a Cygwin package(?); install from source
  • libboost: latest package is boost-1.33.1-4 (and the corresponding boost-devel package); for the more recent version, install from source
  • gsl: latest packages are gsl-1.13-2 (runtime DLLs), gsl-devel-1.13-2 (header files, libgsl.a, etc), gsl-apps-1.13-2 (GSL utilities), and gsl-1.13-2-src (source) are available. there isn't a dbg package (which usually contains debugging symbols for the libraries or programs in a package); for that you'll probably want to grab the source code and compile your own version.

quack quixote

Posted 2010-03-19T15:06:34.227

Reputation: 37 382