Set a mutt configuration value based on the output of a script?


I've found a bug in mutt, but would like to build a workaround until it can be fixed.

~ (the mark-message function) is supposed to assign a shortcut (i.e., a macro) to mark a message so that you can jump to it later. For instance, if you mark a message with the shortcut d, mutt will automatically set the following macro:

macro index "'d" "<search>~i '[Message-ID Header]'" "message hotkey"

so that you can hit 'd to jump back to the message you marked.

The problem is that the Message-ID header is interpreted as a regular expression, and sometimes the headers of messages I receive contain special regex characters, like +. (See example below.)


If they do, then mutt fails to find the message, and so the macro doesn't work, and simply throws the error Not found..

The solution would be to backslash-escape those special characters, but I don't believe there's a way to do that natively in mutt. What I'd like to do is basically build my own substitute for the mark-message function. I'm thinking I'd need to pipe the given message to a script, grep and cut to extract the Message-ID header, and then sed to backslash-escape any special characters.

The problem is trying to pass this string back to mutt: I know you can use environment variables in muttrc, but I believe those are evaluated upon assignment, and not on execution. Is there any way to get the string from a bash script back into mutt's configuration?

Ryan Lue

Posted 2017-06-10T09:07:26.907

Reputation: 393

Just a workaround, might be a bit more expensive resources-wise: try using =h "Message-ID: <>" (don't know how to adapt it to your macro, sorry, you'll have to figure that out) – SΛLVΘ – 2017-06-10T12:03:59.473

=h is a good idea, but figuring out how to adapt it to this situation is exactly what I'm asking about. There are multiple ways to find the right message; it's getting the header out of it and into a config command that's the hard part... – Ryan Lue – 2017-06-11T13:31:25.360

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