Is there a way to quick switch between virtual desktops in win10?



On win10, I can switch between different virtual desktops using the following shortcuts:

  1. Ctrl + Super + Left: go to the left desktop
  2. Ctrl + Super + Right: go to the right desktop

However, I don't think it's fast enough for me. For example, if I want to go to desktop 8 from desktop 2, I have to press Ctrl + Super + Right for 6 times, that's not convenient.

I would like the following command:

  1. Super + 1: go to desktop 1
  2. Super + 2: go to desktop 2 ...
  3. Super + 9: go to desktop 9

Or something like that, so I can quickly switch to a specific desktop using only one shortcut. Is that possible?


Posted 2017-05-31T04:50:12.977

Reputation: 493


Use this app to set which ever hotkeys you'd like...

– Michael Z. – 2018-03-09T03:10:30.333



I found this excellent AutoHotKey script to help me achieve that.

But by default it uses CapsLock as the modifier key, which is not what I want. I tweaked the script a little bit to make it work by using the win key.

Now I can switch between desktops by win + 1, win + 2, etc.


Posted 2017-05-31T04:50:12.977

Reputation: 493

1It's worth noting that win + number is already assigned to open applications in the taskbar in the location corresponding to that number. This script will override this behavior – omer – 2018-11-14T07:29:59.207

1It should also be noted that the AHK script doesn't work perfectly, and sometimes doesn't quite get to the desktop you tell it. – GregRos – 2019-02-24T16:56:11.890

Seems like the script sometimes glitches out, if I switch to say desktop 4, then switch back to 1, everything breaks for some reason. (the task view starts blinking in and out until I terminate the script) The original script however which has seen further development works great and can easily be modified to use the win keys to switch desktop. Personally I prefer ctrl+f1 through f4 for this, and I was able to set this in the user_config file of the original script without issue. Here's a paste with the file edited for the win+num behavior:

– Cestarian – 2019-06-12T20:26:00.087

the works like a charm, I thought I wouldn't like the capslock hotkey but it works really well! – Jose – 2019-12-18T21:05:08.607


Currently there exists only these virtual desktop related keyboard shortcuts:

  • WIN + CTRL + LEFT/RIGHT: Switch to previous or next desktop
  • WIN + CTRL + D: Create a new desktop
  • WIN + CTRL + F4: Close the current desktop
  • WIN + TAB: Launch task view

However, Microsoft is developing Windows 10 all the time and likes to have feedback. All kind of new features are tested and evaluated by users in Windows Insider Program, giving you the upcoming features earlier and power to vote.

Esa Jokinen

Posted 2017-05-31T04:50:12.977

Reputation: 615

Thank you, that's a little disappointing, I do hope they have a way to switch to a specific desktop with one shortcut. – Searene – 2017-05-31T06:55:13.663

I would find WIN + CTRL + number the most intuitive. However, with the unlimited amount of virtual desktops they'd run out quickly. – Esa Jokinen – 2017-05-31T06:57:51.027

1I can switch to different program pinned in the taskbar via WIN + 1, WIN + 2, etc. Although I can only switch between 10 pinned programs, the shortcut is still useful. I think WIN + CTRL + number is intuitive enough and would be very helpful if it's available. – Searene – 2017-05-31T07:02:50.870

If only a user can define own shortcut bindings, it would probably be another OS. – queezz – 2018-12-21T06:18:02.170


I feel like this program is worth mentioning as well:

It has support for direct desktop switching through DLL calls without having to go through the ones in between and the animation can be disabled as well in favor of speed.
Another big plus is that the hotkeys can be configured with an easy to understand settings.ini, so no AutoHotKey knowledge is required for that.

(AutoHotKey isn't even required for running the app, since it is compiled into an exe.)


Posted 2017-05-31T04:50:12.977

Reputation: 306


I use VirtuaWin with the VirtuaPlus and WinList modules. Free from '' You can create your own shortcuts for moving an active window to a numbered desktop and follow or not. Desktops can have custom names as well as backgrounds. I use four with a dual monitor system for my current workflow.


Rick Hendrickson

Posted 2017-05-31T04:50:12.977

Reputation: 11

Sorry about not including the link...

– Rick Hendrickson – 2018-02-27T15:08:19.943