How much data bandwidth can a 3G gsm cell tower can support?


I was always wondering how many simultaneous users can a 3G tower supports with its data rates?
I mean they advertise 28.8Mb/Sec for the 3G Data but in reality if a lot of people use it say 10 , it wont give 288Mb/Sec bandwidth.
I didn't find anywhere where such information is published so I thought to ask here.
Don' know why the cell operators keep it such a secret :)


Posted 2010-03-18T15:46:34.563

Reputation: 1 062

Question was closed 2010-03-19T23:06:14.067

and how is 3G internet Bandwidth is not computer hardware related? – Karim – 2010-03-19T23:33:40.863



(In the UK at least) data is given a lower priority than voice, so if there are a large numbers of people making telephone calls through the cell tower your data will have less of a priority.

Richard Lucas

Posted 2010-03-18T15:46:34.563

Reputation: 2 744