How do I update Safari on Windows?


I'd like to update Safari to 4.0.5 for security reasons, but I can't figure out how to run the Apple updater manually. On Mac there's usually a "Check for Updates" menu item, but I don't see one on the Windows version. I tried downloading the latest version from, but Windows won't let me open the file, saying it is a security risk.

James A. Rosen

Posted 2010-03-18T12:16:20.520

Reputation: 1 762

Interresting... Check what's the error message because I can download it here. Can you paste your error message? – r0ca – 2010-03-18T12:40:50.827

Wow, lucky you to have such a problem. I can't get that damn Apple update software to stop running. :-) – BBlake – 2010-03-18T12:42:52.560

The security problem was that I had my Internet security settings set to "High." Taking them down to "Medium-High" while I downloaded the file worked. – James A. Rosen – 2010-03-18T13:18:39.673



There will be a software, namely, Apple Software Update . Check thoroughly in the Programs.

alt text

Ye Lin Aung

Posted 2010-03-18T12:16:20.520

Reputation: 5 444

1Aha! It's a top-level item under Programs. I assumed it would be in the Safari folder. – James A. Rosen – 2010-03-18T13:16:11.907

2there's no other way to update..? ...... way to go apple, I'm still waiting on them to come out with a new whole house security system with a doorknob that you can only use if you buy a MacBook... – SgtPooki – 2013-01-21T21:16:38.493

@SgtPooki - What's so bad about that method of updating? Seems pretty straightforward to me. – jahroy – 2013-06-20T20:42:49.277

1@jahroy, yea I guess. It seems kind of lazy not to at least provide some way of updating an app within that app. I mean, they do allow you to update within the app on a mac right.. soo.. why not on windows? I've got a sour taste in my mouth regarding all things apple because they just seem to act 'uppity'. That's the only way I can explain it. – SgtPooki – 2013-06-21T02:29:55.727

and sure, it is lazy to not leave the app to run the update program, but aren't you supposed to make things easier on your users? – SgtPooki – 2013-06-21T02:30:48.353

@SgtPooki - I believe Safari can only be updated via Software Update on a Mac as well (tho I can't confirm that at the moment). It's probably becuase Safari is so integrated into the OS (just like IE on Windows). I don't ever touch IE, but doesn't it update on Windows the exact same way as Safari on Mac? When I google "update IE" this page says to run "Windows Update".

– jahroy – 2013-06-21T02:39:33.953